
Braille is a different typographic representation of the alphabet for the visually impaired. Unfortunately, it has a tremendously low literacy rate, and few are even aware of that (learn more). To the uninitiated, Braille may seem bewildering and in fact, it is recognized that "[...] the dots are assigned in no obvious order" .

However, Braille as I see it is beautifully divided and organized by defining features. The Alphabet is easily distinguishable from punctuation, end marks from internal punctuation, and even small from large punctuation. This system will enable you to memorize Grade 1 Braille in minutes and spread awareness in the process.

Braille In 1 Minute:

BrailleTree Interactive:

Top 2 Bottom
Top 2 Bottom
Braille Letters

BrailleTree Explained:

Despite its age, Grade 1 Braille (G1) is still recognized as a random mapping of Alphanumerics to cells. On the contrary, lies an organization that procedurally generates Braille with only a polydactyl handful of rules. However, before getting started, it's important to clarify that this is a mnemonic aid; you will be able to encode and decipher G1 Braille, but fluency is a matter of practice & rote memorization.

0. Generating the Tree
1. Assigning Columns
2. Assigning Dots to Columns
3. Reserve Punctuation
4. Assignment Order
5. Alphanumeric Sets
Generating the Tree:

This structure is a ternary tree- meaning each node in the structure has 3 branches. It also has a depth of 2, denoting this branching process occurs twice off the root node. The tree will branch to the right as it best relates to Braille. To cover the entirety of Alphanumerics, there will be 4 such structures.


Gotchas and More:
